LRMS shell-backends overview for developers¶
CONFIG variables used in LRMS shell-backend:¶
$CONFIG_runtimedir [arex]
$CONFIG_shared_scratch [arex]
$CONFIG_shared_filesystem [arex]
$CONFIG_scratchdir [arex]
$CONFIG_gnu_time [lrms]
$CONFIG_nodename [lrms]
$CONFIG_enable_perflog_reporting [common]
$CONFIG_perflogdir [common]
$CONFIG_defaultmemory [queue] [lrms]
$CONFIG_hostname [common]
$CONFIG_controldir [arex]
$CONFIG_boinc_app_id # not in reference
$CONFIG_boinc_db_host [lrms]
$CONFIG_boinc_db_port [lrms]
$CONFIG_boinc_db_user [lrms]
$CONFIG_boinc_db_pass [lrms]
$CONFIG_boinc_db_name [lrms]
lrms=condor [3]:
# $CONFIG_enable_perflog_reporting [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_perflogdir [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_controldir [arex] (for perflog)
$CONFIG_condor_requirements [queue] [lrms]
$CONFIG_condor_rank [lrms]
# $CONFIG_shared_filesystem [arex]
$CONFIG_condor_bin_path [lrms]
$CONFIG_condor_config [lrms]
[3] | Here and following # prefix is for options and are used in *_common scripts and not unique to particular backend |
no variables
# $CONFIG_enable_perflog_reporting [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_perflogdir [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_controldir [arex] (for perflog)
$CONFIG_ll_bin_path [lrms]
$CONFIG_ll_consumable_resources [lrms]
$CONFIG_ll_parallel_single_jobs *not in reference
# $CONFIG_scratchdir [arex]
# $CONFIG_enable_perflog_reporting [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_perflogdir [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_controldir [arex] (for perflog)
$CONFIG_lsf_architecture [lrms]
$CONFIG_lsf_bin_path [lrms]
# $CONFIG_enable_perflog_reporting [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_perflogdir [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_controldir [arex] (for perflog)
$CONFIG_pbs_queue_node [queue]
$CONFIG_pbs_bin_path [lrms]
$CONFIG_nodememory [queue] ([infosys/cluster] parser substitution fallback only)
$CONFIG_pbs_log_path [lrms]
# $CONFIG_shared_filesystem [arex]
# $CONFIG_enable_perflog_reporting [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_perflogdir [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_controldir [arex] (for perflog)
$CONFIG_sge_root [lrms]
$CONFIG_sge_cell [lrms]
$CONFIG_sge_qmaster_port [lrms]
$CONFIG_sge_execd_port [lrms]
$CONFIG_sge_bin_path [lrms]
$CONFIG_sge_jobopts [queue] [lrms]
# $CONFIG_scratchdir [arex]
# $CONFIG_enable_perflog_reporting [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_perflogdir [common] not in reference
# $CONFIG_controldir [arex] (for perflog)
$CONFIG_slurm_wakeupperiod [lrms]
$CONFIG_slurm_use_sacct [lrms]
$CONFIG_slurm_bin_path [lrms]
# $CONFIG_shared_filesystem [arex]
Changes in ARC6 memory limits processing:¶
Current logic of memory limits processing:
- advertise memory for matchmaking: max memory on the nodes (in[infosys/cluster]
block or per-queue)defaultmemory
- enforce during submission if no memory limit specified in the job description (in[lrms]
block or per-queue)
The ARC6 logic is no enforcement = no limit [1]
[1] | ARC5 logic was no enforcement = max node memory or 1GB if nodememory is not published (and not used for matchmaking) |
- Backends behaviour with no memory enforcement limit:
- boinc - set to hardcoded 2GB
- condor - no enforcement
- form - no memory handling at all
- ll - no enforcement
- lsf - no enforcement
- pbs - no enforcement [2]
- sge - no enforcement
- slurm - no enforcement
[2] | exclusivenode is memory-based and nodememory value is used in this case |