Services Naming Status

Summary of the packaging and services naming

Block name Pakage name (Suggestion) Service Name (Suggestion)
[arex] nordugrid-arc-arex a-rex (arc-arex)
[arex/ws/candypond] nordugrid-arc-candypond (merge with arex package) a-rex, arc-candypond (remove) [2]
[gridftpd] nordugrid-arc-gridftpd gridftpd (arc-gridftpd)
[infosys/ldap] nordugrid-arc-aris (nordugrid-arc-infosys-ldap) [3] nordugrid-arc-aris (arc-infosys-ldap)
[datadelivery-service] nordugrid-arc-datadelivery-service arc-datadelivery-service [1]
[acix-scanner] nordugrid-arc-acix-cache (nordugrid-arc-acix-scanner) [4] acix-cache (arc-acix-scanner)
[acix-index] nordugrid-arc-acix-index acix-index (arc-acix-index)
[nordugridmap] nordugrid-arc-gridmap-utils (nordugrid-arc-nordugridmap) N/A
N/A nordugrid-arc-misc-utils (nordugrid-arc-test-utils) [5] N/A

Stay with an old name until the new agreed naming happened. Some suggestions:

  • candyjet - Cache and Deliver You Job Extensive Transfers
  • arc-jet - ARC Justified Exceptional Tranfer service (‘Arc Jet’ is also some NASA complex)
  • hexaton - Helper for EXtensive ARC Transfers OffloadiNg
[2]Libraries from dedicated package should be moved to A-REX
[3]LDAP/BDII/Glue-Schema dependencies + wrappers to start all this LDAP world. Infoproviders are now in the A-REX package.
[4]Deployment directories are not updated also: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/acix/cacheserver/. Should be scanner instead of cacheserver
[5]Also remove saml_assertion_init tool that is no longer relevant